• Hi everyone! 

    This week was mostly about surviving, I guess. After Hubby dislocated his shoulder, things became difficult. It took 4 days for his shoulder to feel better, but his back is still killing him, so lots of question marks there.

    As far as writing is concerned, I did not start anything new but I did share my short story with beta-readers. I should get most feedback in the coming week.

    Color code:

    0-10% in red
    11-24% in pink
    25-39% in orange
    40-59% in yellow
    60-99% in green
    100% in flashy green
    Normally, there's also blue for progress and pause in purple, but right now i'll focus on numbers and only goals where progress has been made.

    Now for this week:


    I reread "Hour of the wolf once and I was so tired it was not entirely efficient. No other writerly things so far.

    "Hour of the Wolf" (revising): 17%


    I started the cross-referencing document I had been putting off & I also started making the first tutorial on my list, though it's taking more time than I had anticipated (I was hoping to complete it yesterday but couldn't).

    Quality Certification:

    New documents: 79%
    Tutorials: 1%


    I'm almost done with the pre-release marketing.

    Curiouser & Curiouser: 81%


    Not much done this week, especially after Wednesday.


    1 commentaire
  • Hi everyone! 

    This week is kind of off. It started well enough as we started tiling the bathroom on Monday, but then yesterday, Hubby dislocated his shoulder while he was being manipulated by an osteopath. Meanwhile, I was feeling a bit under the weather too, so we just did our best given the circumstances, and today is pretty much the same but after a bad night.

    So right now, checking in is actually nice because it helps me focus on what was actually done.

    EDIT: There's some progress on my website's front! Not available yet but at least we can access the database.

    Color code:

    0-10% in red
    11-24% in pink
    25-39% in orange
    40-59% in yellow
    60-99% in green
    100% in flashy green
    Normally, there's also blue for progress and pause in purple, but right now i'll focus on numbers and only goals where progress has been made.

    Now for this week:


    I reread "Hour of the wolf once and I was so tired it was not entirely efficient. No other writerly things so far.

    Revise "Hour of the Wolf" (revising): 20%


    I sign-posted 1 episode for Wizard & Cat.

    Story Time: Wizard & Cat: 8%


    I checked pre-order and saw that 12 copies were bought already. I also made some final pre-release preparations.

    Curiouser & Curiouser: 81%
    Red Hot Springs (beta-reading phase): 50%


    Tiling was started, sealing is planned for next Tuesday (provided Hubby's shoulder and back are better). I also completed a new course.

    Parental suite: 45%
    Housework: 43%
    Self improvement/ course on CPF: 100%
    Reading on emotional intensity: 47.5%

    1 commentaire
  • Hi everyone!

    Since I haven't been able to solve my web host issues yet, I'm undigging my first blog, well for the sake of blogging.

    I tried using a spreadsheet and I will keep it for the general picture while only posting progress here.

    I'm keeping my color code, with various shades for each color:

    0-10% in red
    11-24% in pink
    25-39% in orange
    40-59% in yellow
    60-99% in green
    100% in flashy green
    Normally, there's also blue for progress and pause in purple, but since I won't list all my goals this time and continue hoping to get my site back, I'll keep it simple and will focus on goals where progress have been made.

    Now for this week:


    Even though I gave myself until mid-June to complete the short story, I really wanted to finish early and I did. Now to revise and then share with beta-readers.

    "Hour of the Wolf" (first draft): 100%
    Miss Chief in Wonderland (scheduling): I guess I'm around 55%.


    I'm not as regular as I wish but with L only going back to school every other Monday until July, I just have to accept we won't be back to normal for a while. I do make progress though.

    English placement test: 100%
    Starters tests: 19%
    Hanashimashou 1 online: 25%

    Quality certification: 87.5%
    Tutorials: 0% but I made a schedule for the next 2 months

    Story Time: Wizard & Cat - signposting: 7%


    The release date for my debut novel is near and I found a new opportunity to communicate around it for Pride Month.

    Curiouser & Curiouser: 75%
    Red Hot Springs (beta-reading phase): 50%


    A lot going on around the house: we're ready to tile the bathroom tomorrow and the new routine is working so well we're going to add a new layer next week. Here are my stats for now:

    Parental suite: 40%
    Housework: 43%
    Self improvement/ course on business watch: 100%
    Reading on emotional intensity: 47.5%

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